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Award Photo - Pins and Medals


Award Photo - Patches


Award Photo - Cards

Qualification Score Sheets: (aka Affidavit Score sheets) .  These may ordered as pre-printed 5" x 8" forms or downloaded in the format of two forms per 8 1/2" x 11" sheet.


Award Distribution Table This document shows the the % of awards given out in the average year by our members. It may helpful to newer members in determining the relative numbers of awards they may want to have available.

Award Guidelines Chart: This shows the criteria for each award and the awards available at each level.

Membership Form: This is for those who prefer not to do their member registration or renewal  online.  Print it.  Complete it. And return it to us.


Order form (Manual): Download it, fill it out by hand, and send it in as paper mail or scan it and send it via email.  No FAX please. 


CAA Member's Logo for members'  websites or other marketing.


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