Getting Started
The Camp Archery program was designed to be easy for camps to administer even if they have new staff members responsible for the program each year. They need only
Become familiar with the archer qualification levels and awards.
Order Program Materials: Awards, Scoresheets, Ratings Charts
Track Performance
Distribute awards
What you will need:
1. A person designated to run the program. The primary responsibilities for this person are:
Understanding the CAA program guidelines and award criteria
Tracking archer performance
Keeping a list of award qualifiers
Maintaining award inventories
Being the primary contact for the CAA
2. An archery range with standard sized targets set at distances of 15, 20, 30, 40 and 50 yards. If there is not enough space for targets at the greater ranges, proportionately smaller targets can be used at closer distances. If you need help deciding how meet this requirement, please contact us.
3. An inventory of awards
How many awards should you order? A quick rule-of-thumb is that each archery program participant will qualify for one award for each week at camp, on average.
How many of each award should you order? Each CAA member, over time, develops a profile of their award usage. Existing CAA members have the experience to help guide their orders. New administrators of the program should ask the people who managed it in previous years for guidance. New members without history with the program should rely on the overall order histories of other members (see More on Ordering Awards).
When should you order our awards? We suggest ordering awards at least one a month before you intend to distribute them. We generally process orders on the day they arrive and ship the next day via USPS Priority Mail. Camps generally receive awards within 5 days of ordering them. But we cannot guarantee this. But please don't wait until the last minute!
What happens if you run out of awards and need additional ones right away? Contact us and we will try to find an express shipping service that will deliver to your area. We will charge you what the express shipping company charges us plus a small handling fee. We cannot guarantee expedited service.
6. Download needed program administration files and materials from the Members Download Page.
Questions? Use our contact form or call us at 603-821-7393 or email us at info@camparcheryassoc.com.