Keeping Score
Getting points:
Points go from 1, for the outer ring, to 10 for the two inner yellow rings. Note: The innermost yellow ring is used in competition shooting as a tie-breaker, but for CAA purposes it is just a 10.
If an arrow touches a line, the archer gets the higher point rating.

World Archery Federation (FITA) target face
Target size:
Most or our member camps use target faces with a diameter of 48 inches or 122 centimeters.
Recording scores:
Any method you want to use is fine. But we suggest using our 5" x 8" award score sheets available at no charge (except for shipping) from our catalog or downloadable for local printing.
Keeping track of archers' performance:
Use our Ratings Charts to keep track of an archer throughout the season. These are available from our catalog.