Ordering Guidance for New Members
How many of each level of award shall I order?
This is primarily advice for new members. Members are urged to track their usage of awards to adjust their orders for he next year.
The number and selection of awards you will need is a function of many factors, not the least of which are the experiences and ages of your campers and their interest in the sport. The following information should help you determine at least a starting point for the season.
Here is a breakdown of the awards ordered from us for the last several years. Notice that approximately 70% of the pin and medal awards ordered were at the Bowman level and below.
Our members buy 4 times as many pins as they do patches. At the lower levels, archers will generally qualify for one new award for each week that they spend in instruction and practice. Progress is slower at higher levels requiring increased accuracy and strength.
Some of our members give out many more awards than others. Here are the factors that appear to contribute to this. If these reflect your situation, you might want to order more awards at the beginning of the season:
Camp orientation. Campers at sports oriented camps tended to earn more awards than those at camps with other specialties.
Length of a typical camp stay. Longer stays lead to more awards.
Age of campers. Older campers generally earn more awards.
General popularity of archery amongst the population served by the camp.
Time that campers can spend practicing; the more practice time available, the more awards earned.
Promotion of archery within the camp. Camps that promote their archery programs in their marketing materials and when campers first arrive and make their program selections, tend to have campers who earn more awards.
Should we order pins, patches and/or cards.
All but a few of our member camps use either pins or patches plus award cards. As to whether you should use pins or patches here are a couple of things to think about
1. Our members use 4 times as many pins as patches. The pins are clearly more popular.
2. We recommend that patches be used for participants under the age of 13 for safety reasons (See FAQ for more on this). With your orders of pins and patches automatically get a supply of matching award cards. You need not order them separately. If you decide to just use just award cards, you may order them from our catalog.