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All awards now available for immediate shipment
posted 6/6/2022

We apologize for our inability to ship certain awards in the last several weeks.  Our supplier was forced to close due to the economic impact of the pandemic.  We have found a new supplier and have replenished our inventories. All backorders have been filled and all of our awards are now available for shipment.  For those of our members who were inconvenienced by this, we thank you for your patience.

Price increases
posted 5/1/2022

The pandemic has had a huge effect on our businesses:  yours, ours, and those of our suppliers.  We have tried to hold prices down for the last few years.  However, rising costs in all areas are now forcing us to raise prices. We appreciate your understanding.  Our catalog has been updated with new pricing as has the downloadable mail-in order entry form.

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